Thursday, September 30, 2010

Break Out the Fist Pumps & Imaginary Drum Sets!

After many weeks of practicing my best patient behavior, I rode my bike on down to the Mission this afternoon & signed a lease for Mission Cheese! The space is, in fact, in the Mission (double entendre...hooray!) on Valencia St. between 18th & 19th right in the heart of San Francisco deliciousness...and it's going to be magical come February 2011 (ish-er-around-there).
I feel like a proud mother-to-be entering the third & final trimester (I guess I cannot say I know what that really "feels" like, especially seeing as I still enjoy wine, beer, whiskey cocktails & raw milk cheeses...but it seems like a fairly good analogy, no?) I am relieved & ready to move on to the next stage, I am stinking excited to see her (yes, it's a girl! duh.) actual silhouette, and I will count down the days until she's ready to say "Hello world! I'm Mission Cheese & I'm beautiful!" Something like that. I am also, fist pumping on the regular & it's really only a matter of time until the imaginary drum set comes out this eve (I have a few meetings first...have to keep my composure).

I would like to extend many curds of gratitude to the family & friends that kept me grounded over the past few months. While the process was long, it was actually pretty smooth...but my emotions definitely told a different story at times. (Hello! These things are too be expected from a mother-to-be...right?) Oliver definitely took the brunt of it, a trend that is likely to continue (sooorry...I love you). Also thanks to Pam (my agent...not sure what I would have done without her!) & Ron (landlord!) for being so kind & working with this rookie. You all rock & I see delicious cheese in your futures.

There you have it folks! I think that is about all I can write today...just too busy fist pumping.

More to come...much much belts required!


  1. fist pump, fist pump, fist pump!!!

  2. So cool! Well done Sarah, and nice work 'new father' Ollie : )

  3. Yay! So happy for you Sarah! What a perfect location for your shop. :)

  4. Wow. I have been out of the loop.

    How exciting! Great location! Congratulations! Additional, gratuitous use of an exclamation point!

    Seriously though, D, this is awesome.

  5. Congrats!
    I own the business next door, Self Edge.
    Can't wait to dig into some cheese with you..
